Welcome to PhojoNick's Photography 101!
This course will teach you the bare essentials needed to make a photograph. Yes, modern cameras will do most of this stuff for you. And if you're happy as a snap shooter, all the more power to you. But if you desire something more from your photographs, you will have to learn how to make them.
In this course you will learn what aperture, shutter speed and ISO are and what effects they have upon a photograph. You will learn to put all three of the elements together in order to make a photograph your very own.
This course assumes that you have a modern digital SLR, such as the Canon Rebel XTi or the Nikon D40 and the cheap kit zoom lens that came with it. And, this is important, you’ll need to be able to use whatever software came with the camera for viewing (it is important because later you’ll want to be able to see the photos and the settings they were shot at). For these lessons set your camera to shoot JPGs. For the time being use auto white balance. And if your camera has an auto ISO setting, use that too unless I say otherwise.
Above all these little lessons are meant to be fun. If you find yourself confused or frustrated, take a break! Relax! Don't worry, be happy! (my theme song)